Tag Archives: Graduate

17 Realities That Hit You Hard After You Graduate!

Being unemployed sucks
Being unemployed sucks

dating after university is suddenly a lot more complicated
dating after university is suddenly a lot more complicated

However much you get along with your parents, if you have to move back in with them it will be hard
However much you get along with your parents, if you have to move back in with them it will be hard

If you thought fitting exercise around lectures was hard, keeping it up while in a full-time job is nearly impossible
If you thought fitting exercise around lectures was hard, keeping it up while in a full-time job is nearly impossible

No one ever feels like a grown-up
No one ever feels like a grown-up

Some people will still treat you like a child
Some people will still treat you like a child

The couples you thought would last forever will break up, and those two you weren’t quite sure about will make it
The couples you thought would last forever will break up, and those two you weren’t quite sure about will make it

When you do eventually get a job, you’ll realise it’s not that different from school
When you do eventually get a job, you’ll realise it’s not that different from school