Tag Archives: walmart

Funny Sayings Of The Week

Funny Sayings Of The Week Billion-dollar-idea. Dear-11-year-olds-on-facebook Don't be ashamed of who you are I can't decide if people who wear pajamas in public I don't need boyfriend I need 12 million dollars and a donut

Funny sayings of the week that are bound to make you laugh

Funny sayings of the week that are bound to make you laugh Be-nice-to-people-because-you-never-know Can-we-all-just-have-a-minute-of-silence Crazy-people-have-a-lot-of-experince i ll never be old enought to know better I-didn't-do-it-then-why-are-you-laughing

Funny sayings of the week

Funny sayings of the week Do you know what i am thinking Don't-you-just-love-it-when-you-call-out-someone Hockey the only professional spoet where you have to sit in time out I can tell by the way you park your car that i hate you i ll never be old enought to know better - Copy

Funny quotes of the week

Funny quotes of the week Again-I-am-in-public-and-cant-respond A-husband-is-someone-whoafter-taking-the-trash-out Always-remember-it's-better-to-arrive-late-than-ugly A-police-officer-came-to-my-house-and-asked

Funny quotes of the week ;) #13 made me lol

Call in sick to places you dont even work at Dear-McDonalds thank you for not serving hot dogs I show affection for my pets I show my affection to my friends by gently bullying them I started out with nothing and still have most of it left I-didn't-fart I-don't-hold-grudges-im-a-woman If I was a bird i know who i'd shit on

Jennifer, a manager at WalMart, had the task of hiring someone to fill a job opening

Jennifer, a manager at WalMart, had the task of hiring someone to fill a job opening