17 Live Saving Cleaning Hacks For the World’s Most Lazy Ladies

At all costs
At all costs

Avoid using cups and bowls…
Avoid using cups and bowls…

Blend soap and water to clean a blender
Blend soap and water to clean a blender

Clean greasy gas burners in a sealed plastic bag with ammonia
Clean greasy gas burners in a sealed plastic bag with ammonia

Clean your microwave and your sponge all at once
Clean your microwave and your sponge all at once

Keep cleaning liquid in the bottom of the toilet brush pan
Keep cleaning liquid in the bottom of the toilet brush pan

Line your toaster tray with foil before toasting anything
Line your toaster tray with foil before toasting anything

Run 1 part vinegar + 1 part water through a brew cycle in your coffeemaker
Run 1 part vinegar + 1 part water through a brew cycle in your coffeemaker.

Soak a non-toxic and biodegradable dryer sheet in a pan to remove baked-on food
Soak a non-toxic and biodegradable dryer sheet in a pan to remove baked-on food