Tag Archives: cat

A cat born with two mouths in Thailand defies the odds to survive and now drinks milk from both mouths

In spite of the odds that it would perish within a few hours of birth, a unique kitten born in northern Thailand with two faces is now thriving.

The kitten’s owner reported that it was born on Sunday in the county’s northern Lampang province and that it is currently drinking milk from both mouths.

'Feline fine': A rare kitten born with two faces in northern Thailand is now happily drinking milk after it defied predictions it would die within a couple of hours of its birth (Pictured: the kitten born on Sunday)

He stated that the kitten had the names “Tung Ngern” (silver bag) on one side and “Tung Tong” on the other (bag of gold).

Owner Anuwat noticed the two-year-old mother cat was having difficulty with the second kitten after witnessing her deliver the first.

The 29-year-old was shocked when the two-faced kitten was removed during a Caesarian section at the neighborhood animal hospital in Hang Chat.

In honor of the two-faced Roman god Janus, two-faced kittens, also referred to as Janus cats, rarely survive more than a day.

Two-faced kittens, which are known as Janus cats after the two-faced Roman god Janus, rarely live more than a day (Pictured: Guinness World record-breaking two faced cat Frank and Louie)

Later, he told the local media that he was certain they would perish.

However, he claimed he spent the following two days taking care of the cat after witnessing it “battle for its life.”

He said: ‘I’ve hardly slept at all since it was born because it cannot hold its head up and needs constant attention.

It’s as much responsibility as having a human baby.’

He added: ‘I thought the brother was going to die. But it appears that the younger brother fought a lot for his life.

‘At first I thought I would give the kittens to someone who had taken care of such things before because I have no experience.

‘But thinking about it, no one has ever taken care of a two-faced cat before.’

Cat born with two faces in Thailand defies the odds to survive and now  drinks milk from both mouths | UK Times

The kitten with two faces, four eyes, two noses, two mouths, and two ears is stated to be doing well and enjoying milk right now.

The average lifespan of a Janus kitten is just one day, however in 1999, a grey, two-faced cat named “Frank and Louie” who was born in Massachusetts lasted an amazing 15 years.

As the longest-surviving Janus cat, the cat entered the Guinness Book of World Records in 2012.

Source: dailymail.co.uk

23 Things You Should Never Expect Your Cat to Give a Shit About!

1. Cats don’t give a shit about how hungry you are because they’ll always be hungrier.


2. Cats don’t give a shit about vanity, so they have absolutely no need to be photogenic.


3. Like, ever.


4. Cats don’t give a single shit about personal space.


5. Nor do they give much of a shit about privacy.


6. Cats don’t give a shit how much you want to use your laptop. Laptops are warm and made to be laid upon.


19 Crazy Things Cat Did in 2015 That Cat Lovers Must Know!

This cat assumed that this brand-new crib must be his new bed.
1. This cat assumed that this brand-new crib must be his new bed.

This cat’s owners forgot to tell him about the new arrival, so he made this face.
2. This cat’s owners forgot to tell him about the new arrival, so he made this face.

Cats discovered Snapchat filters and finally we found what technology had been working toward.
Cats discovered Snapchat filters and finally we found what technology had been working toward.

Cats everywhere developed a fear of cucumbers
Cats everywhere developed a fear of cucumbers

This cat adopted some ducklings
This cat adopted some ducklings

This cat did the first known documented “full loaf”
This cat did the first known documented “full loaf”.

This cat disapproved of puppies
This cat disapproved of puppies

19 Hilarious Images That Perfectly Portray Hilarious Cat Shaming










25 Insanely Attractive Men Who Resemble Cute Kittens










A Man Found A Box Covered In The Snow, What Happens Next Is Heartwarming

During a long day of work, a man miraculously stumbled across a white box,
nearly buried in snow. It was freezing out and the box was covered in snow
and partially in branches. What he found inside broke his heart, so he decided
to do something about it.

The box that he found was barely visible in the snow, as it was white and partially hidden.
It’s a miracle he spotted it at all.
When he peered inside, he saw this depressing scene: a tiny kitten, obviously
cold and sick, sitting next to frozen food.

Then, he looked closer. There was another kitten inside, hiding behind his brother.
There weren’t homes, shelter or food anywhere in sight.
The kittens were obviously on their own, and slowly dying out in the wilderness.
So, he took in those abandoned kittens, determined to help them survive.
The cat at the back of the box didn’t look so bad. She was still sick,
but not in bad shape like her brother.

Without help, the brother at the front of the box surely would have died.
He is still very sick, is covered in his own feces and is struggling to stay alive.

If separated at all, the kittens will cry out. They are terrified to be
without each other.

The kittens needed medical attention, but during the night their saviors
did what they could.