Humor 27 Super Cool Professors Who Totally Nailed Their Humor Game March 26, 2016 zainab naveed 1. This guy who’d had enough: 2. This one: 3. This professor who taught his entire class this way. 4. And this way. 5. This biology prof’s office sign: 6. This clever signage. 7. This physics professor and her thermostat hack. Pages: 1 2 3 4
Humor 21 Parents Who Nailed it With Their Funny Sense of Humor December 18, 2015 asif ali“Shut-Up-And-Dance”-parody-perfectly-captured-the-no-sleep-reality-of-having-young-kids..mp4 Pages: 1 2
Humor 18 Hilarious Puns who Spot On Made a Point! November 16, 2015 asif ali A building of suits in a suitcase with suitcases. Brew am I to disagree Don’t want none unless you got buns, hun Head first I will hold on. LAWLZ Meta My kind of game Pages: 1 2 3