Tag Archives: Number

Funny sayings of the week

funny sayings of the week Don't-annoy-me-this-week Fake-eyelashes-are-okay-if- History-tells-a-story.-That I-want-to-look-him-straight I-was-dropped-on-my-head-as I-wish-there-was-a-rollover Just-saved-tons-of-money-on Of-course-I'm-not-perfect Other-people-in-my-age-grou

Guy with the wrong number texted me asking for pics, so I made him draw a bunch of animals

Guy with the wrong number texted me asking for pics, so I made him draw a bunch of animals




Top 20 responses to wrong number texts

Top 20 responses to wrong number texts Are you the guy How did you get my number I am just gonna cry I dont wanna talk right now I lost my phone Is this amanda Is this sammy It might be It was meant for me

Wrong number brontosaurus

Wrong number brontosaurus

You can delete my number

You can delete my number

28 Hysterical Kids Logics bound to make you laugh

28 Hysterical Kids Logics I-once-planted-skittles-as- I-pooped-in-a-urinal-when-I I-thought-nap-time-was-a-pu I-used-to-think I-used-to-think-Black-Frida