Tag Archives: supermarkets

21 Times Supermarkets Totally Lost it

1. When it was time for kids to go back to school.


2. When this exciting treat was offered for Father’s Day.

A photo posted by Paul Flynn (@flynnystagram) on

3. When condoms were clearly an important part of every athlete’s diet.

A photo posted by Debbie (@douglegirlie) on

4. When this Sainsbury’s sign could be read slightly differently.


5. When these signs were next to each other, and it ~definitely~ wasn’t intentional.


6. When Asda sold this extremely dodgy Mother’s Day card.


7. When this irresistible whisky deal was available in Tesco.


I am your son’s math teacher

I am your son's math teacher

I wish all supermarkets used this

I wish all supermarkets used this