Tag Archives: Texting

We all chatted with these 21 types of people once in our lives.

1. That person who always needs attention:

Texting people 1


2. That person who apparently gets kidnapped in between texts:

Texting people 2


3. That person who is a LIAR

Texting people 3


4. That person who is always in bed:

Texting people 4


5. That person you can communicate with entirely in emoji:

Texting people 5


6. The person that always wants to call you:

Texting people 6


7. The person who always is on low battery:

Texting people 7


Texting your mom can be hilarious at times, 18 hysterical conversations with mums on text







21 Smart People Who Are Pro at Flirty Texting








Humorous Sayings of the week

Humorous Sayings of the week How do i block you in real life I am not anti social i am anti drama I just realized i am looking for a waiter I propose we add an eight dayto the week If I suddendly smile RUN If you ever start taking things too seriously Let the world say you are crazy Once a month women go completely crazy for about thirty days Texting wasn't always easy That mini heart attack when have sent a text to the wrong number we live in a society where pizza gets to your house

Look who you are texting

Look who you are texting

You Know You Were Drunk If You’ve Made These Decisions Before

Buying a lifetime’s supply of Campbell’s Cream of Celery Soup.
You Know You Were Drunk If You've Made These Decisions Before

Charging your phone like this.
Charging your phone like this.

Congratulating an inanimate object on a movie role.
Congratulating an inanimate object on a movie role.

Creating a throne fit for a king.
Creating a throne fit for a king.

Experimenting with a new conditioner.
Experimenting with a new conditioner.

Getting stuck in a child’s seat at McDonald’s.
Getting stuck in a child’s seat at McDonald’s.

Making some interesting grooming choices.
Making some interesting grooming choices.

Microwaving a mountain of french fries.
Microwaving a mountain of french fries.

Misplacing a light fixture.
Misplacing a light fixture.

Ordering pizza like this.
Ordering pizza like this.